INKTOBER 2023 - Back at it after a 2022 hiatus! Enjoy ~~~
Day 1 - Dream - Kicking it off with something that's probably more concept than execution. First day, a bit rusty.
Day 2 - Spiders - Fly wizard has to take on the spider queen to save friends. Better I think in terms of executing the concept. 
Day 3 - Path - Struggled to make the concept work so leaned on filling the space with ink to cover the lack of world building as time was running out.

Day 4 - Dodge - Spent too long on the previous, was determined to do something much simpler: average Joe Neo.
Day 5 - Map - Love love love the world building of One Piece so here's one inspired by the character Banchi, the all-terrain transport turtle.
Day 6 - Golden - Who wins for gold supremacy?

Day 7 - Drip - Was initially meant to be a fashion runway with more characters in whacky outfits but ran out of time.
Day 8 - Toad - Keeping to the manga theme, here's one for the hidden leaf village supporters.
Day 9 - Bounce - Free as a kite or a bouncing bunny.
Day 10 - Fortune - Have a lovely day <3
Day 11 - Wander - Had an initial idea of having light beams coming through the trees and make it more atmospheric but was scared to commit in case it didn't work out and I had invested a lot of time on it already. 

Day 12 - Spicey - You either love Overcooked or you hate it. I love it! 
Day 13 - Rise - Probably my favourite concept this year. Shoutout to Sarah Kitteridge for the help on the idea.
Day 14 - Castle - Ghibli love pt. 1
Day 15 - Dagger - Have you got your reading done recently? 
Day 16 & 17 - Angel & Demon - The age old conflict. Who's your money on?
Day 18 - Saddle - Ran out of time and steam when it came to tying it together with the background, ended up with some quick grass texture. Slightly disappointed.. could've been a fun set to build.
Day 19 - Plump - Peach or melon? I'm a fruit person.
Day 21 - Chains - Can't do Inktober without a take on the story of Frankenstein and his creation somehow.
Day 20 - Frost - Make sure you dress for the occasion.

Day 22 - Scratchy - Pumpkin carving with cats, an idea for a killer halloween costume? You're welcome.
Day 23 - Celestial - Night and day: how it works.
Day 24 - Shallow - 'It's not that deep bro...' visualised (?)
Day 25 - Dangerous - 'Dad, I heard a noise coming from the basement'. 'Son, there's nothing in th...'

Day 26 - Remove - Initially, this was meant to be a tree house made out of jigsaw puzzle pieces and multiple giant hands are removing the pieces but it somehow transitioned into something a little more wizard-of-oz-y.
Day 27 - Beast - Science meets religion meets tech meets cult.
Day 28 - Sparkle - Another contender to the iron throne makes her appearance. 
Day 29 - Massive - Did I mention I'm a fan?
Day 30 - Rush - Ghibli love pt. 2.
Day 31 - Fire - These were usually worked on in the later and quieter part of the night so I wanted to capture that spirit in a by-the-fire storytelling session with characters who resemble the people who've showed a lot of love throughout. It was an especially tough challenge this time around and it definitely helped having people reacting and interacting positively on a day to day basis - a tribute to them and a celebration piece to end the month-long journey.

Hope you've had as much fun scrolling through these as I've had drawing them <3 
- End - 
Thanks and until next year (maybe) ox
Inktober 2023

Inktober 2023


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